Overflow css scroll bar instead of wrap
Overflow css scroll bar instead of wrap

overflow css scroll bar instead of wrap

Like most things in CSS, there are plenty of cross-browser quirks with overflow. There is more detail about this and floats in general in the article All About Floats. This means that the element with overflow applied ( auto or hidden), will extend as large as it needs to encompass child elements inside that are floated (instead of collapsing), assuming that the height isn’t declared. Setting overflow doesn’t clear the float at the element, it self-clears. One more popular uses of setting overflow, strangely enough, is float clearing. AutoĪuto overflow is very similar to the scroll value, only it solves the problem of getting scrollbars when you don’t need them. Of note with this value is that you get BOTH horizontal and vertical scrollbars no matter what, even if the content requires only one or the other. Setting the overflow value of a box to scroll will hide the content from rendering outside the box, but will offer scrollbars to scroll the interior of the box to view the content.

overflow css scroll bar instead of wrap

So for example a user has their default font size set larger than you would expect, you may be pushing text outside of a box and hiding it completely from their view. However, bear in mind that content that is hidden in this way is utterly inaccessible (short of viewing the source). This is particularly useful in use with dynamic content and the possibility of an overflow causing serious layout problems. This literally hides any content that extends beyond the box. The opposite of the default visible is hidden. Generally, you shouldn’t be setting static heights on boxes with web text in them anyway, so it shouldn’t come up. The important thing to remember here is that even though the content is visible outside of the box, that content does not affect the flow of the page. So in general, there is no reason to explicitly set this property to visible unless you are over-riding it from being set elsewhere. If you don’t set the overflow property at all, the default is visible. Let’s take a look at each and then discuss some common uses and quirks. There are also sister properties overflow-y and overflow-x, which enjoy less widespread adoption. There are four values for the overflow property: visible (default), hidden, scroll, and auto. But what happens when you do set a specific height or width on a box, and the content inside cannot fit? That is where the CSS overflow property comes in, allowing you to specify how you would like that handled. For example, if you don’t set the height of a box, the height of that box will grow as large as it needs to be to accommodate the content. By behavior, I mean how the box handles it when the content inside and around it changes. The sizing, positioning, and behavior of these boxes can all be controlled via CSS.

overflow css scroll bar instead of wrap

So all we have to do is use some scrollbar CSS (which is supported on Chromium too) to make it look a bit better.Every single element on a page is a rectangular box.

  • Big enough for a mouse to click and grab (because our grandfathers deserve to scroll how they're used to).
  • Semitransparent scrollbar for the same reason.
  • Transparent background so we can see the content it overlays.
  • We'll need to make the scrollbars look a bit better: You'll notice that the scrollbars literally just go over the content.

    Overflow css scroll bar instead of wrap windows#

    This is what it looks like on Windows without any further styling: Ideally, you want to wrap it in overlay) with a fallback to auto or scroll. Seems too easy right? Well it's Chromium only (so Edge, Brave, Chrome) so it can't be your only overflow option. The other nice thing with overlay scrollbars is that they can more seamlessly get out of the way when you aren't using them. When I discovered this trick, I was specifically looking to solve the problem of content reflow as a page went from 100vh. Overlay scrollbars are great because they don't affect the width of the content as they appear and disappear.

    overflow css scroll bar instead of wrap

    Being unable to have a native scrollbar overlay content at the developer's discretion negatively affects the number of ways one can lay content out without UI items jumping around due to scrollbar space requirements changing. While I understand wanting to conform to a standard, it is unfortunate that this functionality has been removed. As of Chromium 114 (June 2023) overlay scrollbar functionality has been removed and therefore this guide is no longer valid.

    Overflow css scroll bar instead of wrap